Executive Actions and Federally Sponsored Research
Executive Actions and Federally Sponsored Research
Response to Executive Actions
Last updated 3/5/2025
The Division of Research continues to monitor information as it becomes available through several reliable channels, including advocacy organizations, partner institutions, and guidance from agencies. We will provide updates here and via email communication as they become available.
We deeply understand that uncertainty and new guidance may cause stress and are committed to supporting our research community for stability across our programs. We have organized our data on federal grants so that we are prepared as additional guidance is provided.
Current Awards
Current Projects
- Contracts, grants and other agreements with federal agencies and federal contractors remain in effect unless formally modified or a Stop Work Order is received.
- Deliverables, including progress reports, should be submitted as scheduled.
- Continuation awards and prior approvals that require sponsor staff review may be delayed.
- Continue non-DEI projects unless you receive a project Stop Work Order.
- Do not spend down projects at a faster pace than corresponds to your proposed work. Closely monitor project budgets and burn rates . Deficits should be avoided.
- Spending against future funds should be limited as future obligations may be delayed. In extreme cases, expenditures against future funding may not be reimbursed.
Projects with DEI Activities
- If your work does have DEI-related activity, then consider pausing on that activity while focusing on the non-DEI activity.
- If your project is mostly focused on DEI, then begin to think about how project activities could be broadened and less subject to a future compliance concern.
- Funds allocated for DEI activities on federal awards should not be re-budgeted, nor used for other purposes without sponsor approval.
- Continue non-DEI activities on the project unless you receive a project Stop Work Order.
- If you have any questions about activities, expenditures or personnel/students working on the project, please reach out to dr-vc-avc@charlotte.edu
Project Stop Work Orders
- Federal reviews are unfolding and so we anticipate hearing more on specific projects in the near future. The result for any project could be an instruction to resume work, an award modification, or a termination.
- UNC Charlotte has received both agency-wide stop orders and individual project stop orders.
- Watch for clarifying statements directly from your sponsor agency and/or from the Division of Research/ORS/OSPA team.
- If we receive a stop order on your project, we will immediately notify you.
- While a Stop Work Order is in effect, researchers should not be conducting sponsored project activities or incurring new operational costs. Please be sure all project personnel, including subrecipients, are informed.
- In all cases, if you have received a stop work order, let the Division of Research know so that we can comply and work with you.
Proposals and Awards
New Awards and Increments
There will likely be delays in new increments and/or new awards.
- Review current programs and funding opportunities carefully because some have been suspended and others modified. Read the call carefully.
- Continue to develop and submit proposals according to the deadline.
- Many review panels are paused and so it is unclear when proposals might be reviewed.
If you have specific questions or concerns regarding federal funding and Executive Orders, please reach out to us at dr-vc-avc@charlotte.edu . This way multiple people are monitoring and we can respond as quickly as possible getting it to the right person.
Chronicles of Higher Education on F&A Reduction Costs to Your University
Chronicles of Higher Education on F&A Impact on Universities
Chronicles of Higher Education on F&A-2
Science Article on NIH Overhead and Explanation of F&A by Association of American Medical Colleges
US Senate Committee on Commerce, Science and Transportation NSF review
COGR 2025 Administration Transition Information & Resources
APLU Statement on Pause on Federal Grants
APLU Overview of President Trump’s Executive Orders
Timeline of Executive Orders and Communications
2/10/2025: 22 States Sue to Stop NIH Policy (NC part); Temporary Restraining Order (TRO) Issued; APLU join with the Association of American Universities (AAU) and the American Council on Education (ACE) as plaintiffs in a lawsuit on NIH guidance
2/7/2025: Announcement of NIH overhead rate cap
1/31/2025: Temporary Restraining Order (TRO)
1/29/2025: OMB rescinds Memorandum-25-13, its order to broadly freeze grants, loans, and other financial assistance programs. Students will receive financial assistance without interruption. The President’s Executive Orders from the past week remain in effect.
1/28/2025: A federal judge suspended the temporary freeze issued in OMB Memorandum 25-13 until Monday, Feb 3.
1/28/2025: NSF Implementation of Recent Executive Orders
1/28/2025: OMB issued clarification that programs not implicated by the President’s Executive Orders are not subject to the temporary pause mandate issued on 1/27/2025.
1/27/2025: Internal memo on to NIH staff clarifying restrictions that President Donald Trump’s new administration implemented for HHS staff last week.
1/27/2025: OMB: Memorandum for Heads of Executive Departments and Agencies (Memorandum 25-13)
1/21/2025: The Department of Health and Human Services issued a memo outlining short-term action for the department and its agencies, which has caused cancellations of some study sections for the National Institutes of Health, potentially delaying some new awards.
Division of Research Communication & Activity
Jan 24
- Organized pull of active awards and started review
- First email to the research community
Jan 27
- Organized a common directory for all DR research admin professionals in ORS and OSPA for Exec Orders
- Identified Darl Booker as the point for communicating with PIs on received pause orders; created a template
- Sent college level active award Excel file to each Dean/ADR
Jan 29
- Second email to research community
- Second comprehensive pull of active awards applying keywords from Exec Orders that including subawards we manage
- DR research admin professionals zoom
- UIDP webinar
Jan 31
- APLU-COR zoom: Peer Discussions
- System CRO zoom: Peer Discussions
- Review of approach with Legal
- Temp Restraining Order Issued (Feb 2 email from NSF)
week of Feb 3
- Launched website
- Third email communication from Division of Research 2/5/2025
- Town hall meetings starting Feb 7 and into following weeks
week of Feb 10
- 3 town hall meetings
- Fourth email communication from Division of Research 2/10/2015
- Additional college-specific conversations