Budget Preparation

When a faculty member or unit based research office seeks the help of ORS to develop or
review a budget, ORS will do so to ensure that all proposed costs are allowable per the
proposal guidelines and the Uniform Guidance, 2 CFR 200. Particular attention will be paid to
the budget justification to check that there is sufficient explanation about each line item to be
sure that all costs are coded correctly for F&A cost recovery. It is important to note that costs
associated with participant support costs, human subjects incentive fees and any stipend
related proposed costs must have a clear explanation in the budget justification so that there is no
confusion about the purpose of these costs and that they are listed in the budget correctly with
associated F&A costs as allowed. Please address budget preparation questions to the designated member of the ORS proposal development team at Research Contacts or send an email to research@charlotte.edu

Facilities and Administrative Costs/Indirect Costs


Raises for succeeding years should be proposed at an average increase of 2.5% percent per year. Raises for graduate students should be proposed at 3% per year. Raises are effective July 1 of each year.

Fringe Benefits

Fringe Benefits Webpage

Chart of Average Fringe Benefit Rates

The below rates are based on average faculty & staff salaries for each Employee Category.

Employee CategoryAverage Salary BaseFY 2022FY 2023FY 2024 (current)FY 2025FY 2026FY 2027FY 2028
EHRA Faculty & Staff$71,00035.7%34.2%36.8%37.7%38.6%39.6%40.6%
SHRA Staff$41,00052.6%52.2%55.0%56.1%57.2%58.3%59.5%
Post Doc$50,00016.6%16.9%19.4%19.4%19.4%19.5%19.5%
Graduate Student***$15,0000.12%0.35%0.10%0.10%0.10%0.10%0.10%
Undergraduate Student* 0.12%0.35%0.10%0.10%0.10%0.10%0.10%
Non-Enrolled Undergraduate/Graduate Student (SUMMER)* 7.8%8.0%7.75%7.75%7.75%7.75%7.75%

* Undergraduate & Non-Enrolled (Summer) Students and Temporary Employees do not receive health insurance. Therefore, an average salary base was not calculated.

***Graduate Student Health Insurance is budgeted in addition to the costs above.

If you have questions about these rates, please contact the Office of Research Services at research@charlotte.edu.

Detail Breakdown of FY2024 Fringe Benefit Rates (effective 7/1/2023)

Employee CategoryRetirementFICA / Social SecurityClaims-
Total Fixed Fringe Rate w/o Health Insurance Annual Health Insurance Premium Average Fringe Benefit Rate
EHRA Faculty & Staff14.09%7.65%4.38%26.12%




SHRA Staff24.50%7.65%4.38%36.53%$7,55755.0%
Post Doc0%7.65%0.10%7.75%$5,67419.4%
Graduate Student*0%0%0.10%0.10%$2,9520.10%
Undergraduate Student0%0%0.10%0.10%0.10%
Undergraduate / Graduate Student (SUMMER)0%7.65%0.10%7.75%7.75%

For more information, please see the links below:

Annual Health Insurance Premium Costs:
Post Doc: Postdoctoral Fellows – Benefits
Graduate Student: UNC Charlotte Student Health Insurance

*UNC Charlotte Student Health Insurance is now separately budgeted in addition to the claims made rate. The 2024-2025 premium is $2,952. There are two health insurance options for students. For budgeting purposes, the rate listed above should be used and a 1.5% annual escalation factored in.


  • Include undergraduate/graduate student tuition as needed as a separate line item under other direct costs.
  • Starting FY25 (7/1/24), full out of state tuition must be budgeted for graduate students as allowed by their respective compensation package.
  • Click here for the university’s tuition information. Tuition is budgeted based on the approved compensation packages below.
  • Click here for the Graduate Student Compensation packages managed by the Graduate School. Graduate student support must be budgeted using the appropriate fiscal year compensation package stipend, allowable health insurance and allowable tuition and tuition increments
  • Tuition should be escalated by 3% in out years.
