Office of Research Services (ORS)
The Office of Research Services (ORS) supports the University’s mission by promoting research and assisting faculty with the pursuit, acquisition, and management of extramural funding. The ORS Proposal Development team provides support for the preparation and submission of proposals, including budget development, assistance with processing the proposals through Niner Research, the University’s electronic research administration system, and managing the institutional signature process as the Authorized Organizational Representatives (AORs) of the University. The ORS Contract and Award Negotiation team support the receipt, negotiation, final execution, and processing into University systems of grant and contract awards, modifications, and related agreements, as well as the development and issuance of outgoing subawards. The ORS Award Management team facilitates the management of external research funding, working with faculty and staff in units across the campus to effectively and efficiently administer their awards. The Award Management team provides guidance on financial management, the use of University systems and processes to process award transactions, review and approval of some types of transactions, interpretation of award terms and conditions, and overall guidance on award management. ORS also provides professional development and resources to faculty and staff designed to enhance their success.