Grant Payroll Certification


Grant Payroll Certification is an alternative to Effort Reporting that uses a project-based methodology and utilizes the concept that “charges are reasonable in relation to work performed”. The change aligns with Uniform Guidance section 2 CFR 200.430.

The Grant Payroll Certification Form are documentation used by the University of North Carolina at Charlotte to certify the reasonableness of salaries and wages charged to sponsored projects.

The change in systems will allow for fewer reports by certifying per project not per person. Only one report per year will need to be certified and the system will be maintained by the UNC Charlotte ITS team.

UNC Charlotte expects the number of reports to be reduced by half with the new system. The first reports will be released in January 2019 for the period of July 1, 2017, through June 30, 2018. The subsequent years will be released in September 2019.

For more information or questions, please contact the Cost Analysis team at

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