Information for Grant Proposals
1. Animal Welfare Assurance Number (OLAW)
D16-00363 (formerly A3600-01)
2. USDA Animal Facility Registration Number
As of March 2021, UNC Charlotte is no longer registered with the USDA. Please contact the Attending Veterinarian at (704) 687-5017 if you are planning to conduct studies involving USDA-covered species.
If you have questions as to whether your species is USDA-covered, please contact the ORPI / IACUC Office at 704-687-1872 or
3. Institutional Official
Dr. John Daniels is the Institutional Official (IO). Dr. Daniels also serves as the University’s Vice Chancellor for Research.
4. Timing of IACUC Protocol Submission
For all funding proposals involving work with live vertebrate animals, you are encouraged to submit your IACUC protocol when you receive a fundable score or a “Just-In-Time” funding notification. Regardless of the award sponsor, an IACUC protocol consistent with the experimental aims and objectives of the animal research must be approved before award funds can be released. The IACUC and/or IACUC Staff will compare the grant application and the corresponding IACUC protocol(s) during the congruency review.
5. Congruency Review
Per the NIH Grants Policy, an IACUC protocol consistent with the grant’s experimental aims and objectives associated with animal research must be approved PRIOR to the release of award funds. The IACUC is responsible for determining and certifying that the vertebrate animal activities described in the proposal are congruent with the associated IACUC protocol(s). To facilitate a timely congruency review, please ensure that the Vertebrate Animal Section and Methods / Research Strategy are uploaded and attached to the IPF / grant in Niner Research.
A designated member of the IACUC or IACUC Staff will conduct the congruency review, examining key aspects such as the general scope of work, species and strains used, approximate number of animals, experimental procedures and endpoints, agents used, and euthanasia methods. Upon completion, the review results will be communicated to both the Principal Investigator (PI) and staff in the Office of Sponsored Projects Administration (OSPA). If the congruency review identifies discrepancies between the grant application and the IACUC protocol, IACUC Staff will promptly contact the PI with a description of the inconsistencies as well as suggestions for resolution. Typically, discrepancies are resolved by submitting an amendment to the IACUC protocol.
Further grant information may be found at the Office of Sponsored Projects Administration (OSPA).