Animal Care & Use Program
The UNC Charlotte Institutional Animal Care and Use Committee (IACUC), the Institutional Official and the Attending Veterinarian, are responsible for ensuring the protection and care of vertebrate animals used in teaching and research studies at UNC Charlotte or in the field. The IACUC, working in conjunction with the Office of Research Protections and Integrity, both ensure that animal research is conducted according to long-standing ethical principles as well as federal, state and university regulations, guidelines and policies.
This site provides an overview of IACUC requirements and processes and access to the tools needed to successfully begin work with animals at UNC Charlotte.
On this site you will find:
- IACUC membership and meeting schedule
- Protocol and amendment review processes
- IACUC policies and guidelines
- Required training for research personnel
- Occupational health information and forms
- Links to federal regulations and to helpful websites
- How to report animal welfare concerns or protocol noncompliance