Things to Know

Abbreviation / AcronymDefinition
AAALAC InternationalAssociation for the Assessment and Accreditation of Laboratory Animal Care International
AALASAmerican Association for Laboratory Animal Science
AVAttending Veterinarian
AVMAAmerican Veterinary Medical Association
AWA/AWRAnimal Welfare Act / Animal Welfare Regulations
BSL/ABSLBiosafety Level / Animal Biosafety Level
DMRDesignated Member Review(er)
EHSEnvironmental Health and Safety Office
FCRFull Committee Review
IACUCInstitutional Animal Care and Use Committee
IBCInstitutional Biosafety Committee
IOInstitutional Official
OHSPOccupational Health Surveillance Program
OLAWOffice of Laboratory Animal Welfare
ORPIOffice of Research Protections & Integrity
PAMPost-Approval Monitoring
PHSPublic Health Service
PIPrincipal Investigator
PPEPersonal Protective Equipment
SDSSafety Data Sheet
SOPStandard Operating Procedure
USDAUnited States Department of Agriculture
VVCVeterinary Verification and Consultation


The Vivarium provides housing and care for animals used in research and teaching at the University. The Vivarium is operated in accordance with the following principles:

  1. To meet the needs of research and teaching, the University will operate the animal facilities as a responsibility and a service in a manner consistent with federal regulatory requirements and good veterinary practice.
  2. The Vivarium will be a University, and not a departmental facility. No single department or investigator will have permanent jurisdiction over Vivarium space.
  3. The Vivarium will attempt to meet the needs of all users. In cases where demand exceeds available space, the Vivarium will allocate space in a manner consistent with the University’s research and teaching goals.
  4. The actual cost of animal care will be determined by the costs of food and bedding, sanitation supplies, veterinary and animal technician services, and equipment maintenance and replacement, and certain parts of these costs will be borne by users.

The operation of the University Vivarium is under the supervision of the Attending Veterinarian), an American College of Laboratory Animal Medicine (ACLAM)-board certified veterinarian. The AV is responsible for all day-to-day administrative matters, including animal care, space assignment, and financial management.