Research Misconduct


It is the policy of UNC Charlotte that the research and creative activities of its faculty, postdoctoral fellows, staff and students be carried out with the highest standards of integrity and ethical behavior. Responsible conduct of research (RCR) includes attributing appropriate credit for work that is not your own, practicing accurate and unbiased data collection, and accurately and honestly reporting research results. UNC Charlotte considers research misconduct, as defined below, to be a betrayal of the fundamental principles of scholarship, and the University will deal promptly with all such allegations.

Research misconduct means fabrication, falsification, or plagiarism in proposing, performing, or reviewing research, or in reporting research results. Research misconduct does not include honest error or differences of opinion.

  • Fabrication – making up data or results and reporting or recording them in the research record.
  • Falsification – manipulating research materials, equipment, or processes, or changing or omitting data or results such that the research is not accurately represented in the research record.
  • Plagiarism – the appropriation of another person’s ideas, processes, results, or words without giving appropriate credit.

Federal and Institutional Requirements

In fulfillment of the Federal Research Misconduct Policy, federal agencies that support intramural or extramural research (e.g., PHS, NSF, DOD, DOE, etc.) have published their own policies or regulations to address research integrity and misconduct. Reporting requirements, time limits, and other conditions may differ depending on the funding source for a research project. However, note that UP 309: Research Misconduct Policy and the associated procedures apply to all individuals engaged in research at the University of North Carolina at Charlotte, regardless of whether funding is involved. The University’s procedures provide a uniform framework for conducting inquiries and investigations into research misconduct allegations while ensuring full compliance with all appropriate federal regulations.

Any questions about research misconduct may be directed to the Research Integrity Officer (RIO), Dr. Angelica Martins (704-687-1876 /

Reporting Research Misconduct

If you suspect research misconduct, you are encouraged to report it:

UNC Charlotte’s research misconduct procedures are designed to protect the rights of complainants and respondents. Regardless of whether the University determines that misconduct occurred, the RIO will undertake reasonable efforts to protect complainants who make good-faith allegations of research misconduct and others who cooperate in good faith with the evaluation of such allegations. The RIO will also take appropriate steps during the inquiry and investigation to prevent retaliation against the complainant in accordance with the provisions of University Policy 803, Reporting and Investigation of Suspected Improper Activities and Whistleblower Protection.

Institutional Response to Allegations of Research Misconduct

Who Responds to Allegations of Research Misconduct?

The Research Integrity Officer (RIO) is the official responsible for addressing all allegations of research misconduct at the University. The RIO oversees the research misconduct process, and takes reasonable steps to ensure the fair treatment of case participants and maintain–to the greatest possible extent–the confidentiality of case details.

Dr. Angelica Martins (704-687-1876 / serves as the RIO for UNC Charlotte.

What Happens After an Allegation of Research Misconduct?

In compliance with federal regulations and as detailed in Research Misconduct Procedures, Supplemental to University Policy 309, allegations of research misconduct are evaluated according to a standardized process:

Evaluation process for research misconduct

To learn more about how allegations of research misconduct are handled at UNC Charlotte, please review University Policy 309 and the associated procedures. Any questions may be directed to the Research Integrity Officer (RIO), Dr. Angelica Martins (704-687-1876 /

Learn More

Research Misconduct Policies

HHS Office of Research Integrity (ORI) Resources

National Institutes of Health (NIH) Resources

National Science Foundation (NSF) Resources

National Academies Resources