Pain, Discomfort or Distress Classifications

Painful Procedures

In laboratory animal research, a painful procedure is defined as any procedure that would reasonably be expected to cause more than slight or momentary pain and/or distress in a human being. The PI must examine all procedures to be used in animals and make a preliminary determination as to the associated level of pain, discomfort, and distress (see Category Descriptions below). Investigators uncertain about the pain category should consult the Attending Veterinarian. The preliminary category must be validated by the Attending Veterinarian prior to the IACUC review of the protocol.

UNC Charlotte’s Institutional Animal Care and Use Committee (IACUC) is responsible for ensuring that animals receive appropriate care and attention to their well-being. Federal regulations require scientific justification(s) for not administering analgesics when procedures are expected to cause more than momentary pain or distress.

Consideration of Alternatives

The Animal Welfare Regulations require consideration of alternatives to procedures that may cause more than momentary or slight pain or distress to the animals. As part of the protocol application, PIs planning Category D or E procedures must provide a written description of the methods used and sources consulted to determine the availability of less painful / distressful alternatives (including refinements, reductions, and replacements) that would accomplish project goals.